How to cure your eyes remove spectacles?|चश्मा कैसे हटाए जाने
Simple methods for curing eye with ayurveda
The Indian ancient healthcare system, Ayurveda, provides easy ways to keep your eyes healthy. Recall that these are only basic recommendations, and that you should always speak with a healthcare provider before attempting any new treatments. The following are some Ayurvedic eye care techniques:
1)Eye Exercise by Netra Vyayama:
To reduce eye strain and increase blood circulation, do these simple eye exercises. This can involve practicing blinking, focusing on close and far things, and turning your eyes both clockwise and counterclockwise.
Using Triphala Eye Wash:
2)Soak triphala powder—
a blend of amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki—in water for the entire night to create a triphala solution. After straining the mixture, wipe your eyes with it first thing in the morning. This is thought to calm the eyes and lower irritations.
3)Application of Ghee (Clarified Butter):
Before going to bed, apply a small amount of pure, heated ghee around the eyes. This is supposed to support eye health by nourishing the tissues in the eyes.
4)Compress Rose Water:
Put cotton pads with pure rose water on your closed eyelids and let them stay there for several minutes. Rose water is well renowned for its calming and cooling qualities, which could reduce eye strain.
5)Amla Intake (Indian Gooseberry):
Add amla, either raw or as amla juice, into your diet. Amla is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, both of which are good for the health of the eyes.
6)Compressing Cold Milk:
Cover your closed eyes with a clean towel dipped in cold milk. It's said that the chilly weather and the nutrients in milk.
Include calms the eyes and lessens puffiness.
7)Tea with coriander and cumin:
Make a tea with the coriander and cumin seeds. After leaving it cool, filter it, and use the combination as an eye wash. This might help in revitalizing exhausted eyes.
8)Limit Your Screen Time:
Adhere to the Ayurvedic concept of dosha balance. Overuse of screens can cause eye strain. Observe the 20-20-20 rule: look at anything 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
9)A Healthy Diet
Keep up a healthy, vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidant-rich diet. Add fruits, carrots, and leafy green vegetables to your diet.
Sufficient Sleep:Make sure you get enough sleep because it's important for your general health, which includes your eyes.
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